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We learn about cultures through food. We connect over shared plates. We are better - by knowing.

“Travel .... The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” Anthony Bourdain


After writing several cookbooks about Indian food, and learning from the masters themselves, I invite you to join me on one of our many excursions around India.


  • Visit gastronomical regions hidden from plain view.

  • Eat delicacies that you would otherwise miss.

  • Shop like locals.


  • Cook with locals.

This Summer of 2019, I formally invite you to let me create your India itinerary for you, as part of our Turmeric Trails excursions.


Join us via any one of India's international airports and let me arrange the rest. Travel in the company of friends and friends who know.






© Copyright Nandita Godbole 2019-25

Thank you! I will be in touch shortly. Isn't this exciting?

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